Why Submit to BHIFF

Truly independent film festival

We are different. Choosing which film festival to send your film to can be a daunting and painful experience. If I am selected will anybody attend? will my film get screened? What are the incentives for the winners? How much effort will the festival go to in order to assure me that the film will be screen as it was intended to look? How much effort does the festival put into promoting my film? How competitive is the selection process. It goes without saying that these are all very important things to consider. We are film makers ourselves and we know your pain! Let us share with you why this festival would be a great festival to consider in your films run. This festival will be organized different than most. In collaboration with Phoenix Center for the Arts we will be showing official selections in 5 screening halls. Our festival passes are sold as 1,2 or 3 day passes for attendees. Each film category is paired with a another and the two categories are shown continually throughout the day. This guarantees maximum exposure for the film maker, and maximum viewing for the attendee. In addition each film will be scheduled a screening Sometime during the weekend in the main viewing theater as the official screening for the festival. Official selections at this festival really get a lot of “bang for the buck” when it comes to screen time and viewers.

We are a young festival however we have put a ton of effort and assembled an excellent team to ensure that this is an absolutely top notch event. Being a young festival we are not at the top of everybody’s submission list ….YET! So the actual number of competing slots vs submissions will serve in the filmmaker’s favor as compared to larger more established festivals. But the event as a whole will be rival in quality to more established festivals and is definitely the new contender. This festival is a diamond in the rough. But it won’t be long before the secret is out!

We have a very robust promotional campaign and are working tirelessly to gain exposure for the festival and in turn the official selections to be screened. We have a very active film community in the Phoenix area and are just a short drive from LA. It is our mission to get as many eyeballs on your film as we can legally cram into the facility on the festival weekend. (And not for just one screening! All weekend long!) We notify our contacts in the industry of the selections and go to great lengths to get behind and promote the films that we select for the festival.

Here are some great aspects about our festival for your consideration

Multiple screenings/maximum exposure
Fair evaluation of all films
we get behind all official selections and go to great efforts to promote screening and awareness of the films
Connected to a large film community in the Phoenix area
Very cool networking/mixer party free entry to all official selections
Really cool Signature sculpture award for all categories
Monetary and prize awards
We value truly independent films
student only category

press releases of festival results

We really look forward to having you as part of our first annual event.

For more information about the festival for filmmakers
Click here

To submit your film click here

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